Vision-Based Control – What is it, and why is it a game changer?

When we talk about adding intelligence to high-impact spaces, the goal is always two-fold:

  1. Ensuring that the far-end can consistently follow the action with close-up shots of speaking participants and
  2. Minimizing in-room users’ interaction with technology, allowing them to behave naturally and use a room at an instant’s notice

At the forefront of this innovation is Q-SYS VisionSuite, our latest cutting-edge solution that’s redefining automation in high-impact spaces and reshaping how we interact with our environments.

But what exactly is vision-based control, and why should you take notice? Let’s dive in.

What is Vision-Based Control?

Vision-based control, at its core, is a functionality enabled by combining the computer vision foundation of VisionSuite with the extensive control capabilities of the Q-SYS Control Engine.

Thanks to our capable computer vision and scene analysis pipeline, the Seervision AI Accelerator can understand the visual environment in real-time, allowing it to send and receive triggers based on people’s positions on stage.

Unlike traditional automation systems that rely on manual input, the Seervision AI Accelerator can see and interpret what’s happening in a space, allowing the Q-SYS control engine to make intelligent decisions based on visual cues. In the context of VisionSuite, this translates to a powerful set of tools that enable endless room automation possibilities, leveraging your cameras a ‘sensor’ to create responsive, intuitive environments that adapt to user behavior without the need for constant manual intervention.

Why is Vision-Based Control a Game Changer?

1. Unparalleled Automation:

Vision-based control takes automation to new heights. Imagine an all-hands space where the lights dim, the projector screens lower, the microphones are unmuted, and the cameras zoom in on the presenter the moment they step up to the podium – all without touching a single button. This level of seamless operation minimizes mishaps by making sure that the presenter doesn’t have to press any buttons, resulting in a more professional and polished end result for all participants.

2. Enhanced User Experience:

For end-users, vision-based control means a more natural, intuitive interaction with their environment. No more fumbling around with complex touch panel interfaces or remembering how specific remotes work. A space can be configured to respond to a presenter’s presence and actions, creating a frictionless experience that allows them to focus on the task at hand.

3. Intelligent Adaptability:

With vision-based control, you can also have the peace of mind that it will adapt to changing scenarios. If a presenter moves to a digital whiteboard, Q-SYS can automatically turn the interactive display on, whilst also switching cameras and providing a better shot for optimal visibility. This flexibility is crucial in dynamic environments like higher education institutions or corporate settings where multi-functional spaces are becoming the norm. 

4. Derive Insights:

Scene understanding and computer vision also allow for a lot of data and advanced telemetry that can be analyzed to gather behavioral and workplace utilization insights. By extracting valuable data on how spaces are used and how many participants there are, organizations can start to optimize their environments to cater to the needs of their users. Using a data-driven approach will allow for smarter decision-making in space design by helping to optimize resource allocation.

The era of vision-based control is here, and with solutions like VisionSuite leading the charge, we’re only beginning to scratch the surface of what’s possible. As we look to the future, vision-based control stands out as an innovative approach that’s set to redefine our expectations of what automation in high-impact spaces can be.

With VisionSuite at the forefront of this natural evolution, the sky is the limit for creative vision-driven automations that make your spaces not just smart, but truly intelligent and responsive. Intelligence is set to provide the human intent necessary for automation to stop being a rigid and pre-defined set of rules.

Embracing vision-based control will mean creating next-level environments that are more intuitive, efficient, and aligned with how people naturally work and interact. By focusing on these aspects of the user experience, we can look forward to making our working and learning environments more immersive, engaging, and enjoyable than ever before.

If you’d like to find out more about vision-based control, sign up to our webinar “From AI to Z: Bringing People Together via AI and Automation”