Consultant Courier: The Value of Redundant Systems

From the Department of Redundant Systems …. With the move to more IT-centric designs, we often find Q-SYS being implemented in a “centralized” configuration, which a single Q-SYS Core processor serves multiple rooms. The obvious upside to this design philosophy is a decrease in total cost of ownership (TCO) to your users. Reduced hardware in … Lire la suite

Consultant Courier: Dynamic Pairing is Awesome!

Applications: Higher Ed, Corporate, Hospitality In today’s built environments, it’s common to find spaces that serve multiple types of functions. In any given day of the week, the room could be arranged in a “U shape” for a large board meeting, then rearranged in a classroom style for training, and by week’s end, it’s been … Lire la suite

Consultant Courier: Intrinsic Correction

WELCOME! I’m Jake Corlett the Director of the US Consultant Liaison team here at QSC Systems. This new blog series is written specifically for our consultant community looking to stay up to speed on QSC technology, market trends, and ways to improve your design experience. Hope you enjoy! Intrinsic Correction The beauty in building an … Lire la suite