DJs / Dance

Why is Dynamic Range so important?

Every genre of music is associated with a certain dynamic range, meaning the difference between the loudest and softest passages. The word “dynamic” is defined as “a force that stimulates change or progress within a system of process”. It defines how versatile a piece of music or a piece of gear behaves (musical instrument, amplifier, … Lire la suite

How to mitigate Sound Propagation through Materials in Live Sound Settings

You may remember from your science classes in school that the speed of sound is a constant, but this statement is entirely dependent on the material through which sound is propagating. Different medium transmit sound at very different speeds. So, let’s look at some typical materials that most people would encounter in indoor live sound … Lire la suite

Setting Subwoofer Level correctly in your PA System

Subwoofers are great solutions to extend the low frequency performance of your PA system, and there are three aspects to consider carefully when setting up a subwoofer. In the following order. Subwoofer Placement If subwoofers are used in many portable and installed PA applications to enhance the overall listening and performance experience, their placement in … Lire la suite

What Causes Loudspeaker Hum and Hiss and How to eliminate it

If you are familiar attending any type of live show, concert or performance using PA loudspeakers, you will most likely also agree that loudspeakers’ humming, hissing or buzzing noise can quickly ruin a performance. This article reviews each of the common causes of audible (and irritating) loudspeakers’ hum and hiss, and discusses effective strategies to … Lire la suite

Understanding Closed, Vented and Band-pass Subwoofer Designs

The history of the subwoofer is inextricably linked with the evolution of the full-range loudspeaker. In the mid-1950s, various manufacturers of hi-fi loudspeakers began to introduce compact, closed-box enclosures that featured long-throw woofers, and in the early 1970s a talented engineer working at Jensen, named James Novak, developed the equations describing a bass reflex (or … Lire la suite

Conseils pratiques sur le placement des enceintes pour le son live (partie II)

Pour obtenir un son et des performances optimales, il faut prendre en compte un certain nombre de facteurs pour le placement de vos enceintes. Cette série en quatre parties a pour but d'aborder un certain nombre de ces difficultés et de donner des conseils utiles et pratiques pour obtenir un son de qualité dans n'importe quel lieu... Lire la suite