Most conventional cinema “screen channel” loudspeakers are designed to sit on a platform behind the cinema screen. The low frequency (LF) enclosure is made of heavy MDF panels to offer the best low frequency performance for the lowest cost. The horn section is supported by metal brackets and is mounted to the top of the LF … Weiterlesen
Month: #!31Thu, 27 Aug 2020 13:06:42 +0000p4231#31Thu, 27 Aug 2020 13:06:42 +0000p-1UTC3131UTCx31 27pm31pm-31Thu, 27 Aug 2020 13:06:42 +0000p1UTC3131UTCx312020Thu, 27 Aug 2020 13:06:42 +0000061068pmThursday=107#!31Thu, 27 Aug 2020 13:06:42 +0000pUTC8#August 2020#!31Thu, 27 Aug 2020 13:06:42 +0000p4231#/31Thu, 27 Aug 2020 13:06:42 +0000p-1UTC3131UTCx31#!31Thu, 27 Aug 2020 13:06:42 +0000pUTC8#
Consultant Courier: Dynamisches Pairing
Heutzutage sind moderne Räumlichkeiten häufig für eine flexible Mehrzwecknutzung ausgelegt. An einem Tag werden die Sitzplätze beispielsweise für eine große Vorstandssitzung U-förmig angeordnet, am nächsten wird der Raum für eine Schulung umgestaltet, und am Wochenende dient er, zusammen mit angrenzenden Räumlichkeiten, als Versammlungsort für den Stadtrat. Weiterlesen
The Power of Multiple Woofers
In a previous blog about loudspeaker sensitivity, we looked at two readily available woofers to see how different specifications and construction techniques resulted in different amounts of low frequency output capability. For this discussion, we will take a single woofer design and see how using 1, 2 or 4 woofers affects total output capability. Doubling … Weiterlesen
Easy Access Touchless Control
In this time of COVID-19, it’s wise to avoid touching any surface that others are also likely to be touching without first sanitizing it. Better still, avoid touching that surface at all; but this would seem to present a problem for touchscreen control devices, like the TSC Series controllers in our Q-SYS Ecosystem. But wait! … Weiterlesen